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Exterior Design

Exterior Design is the art of process of designing the out side look of castle or a building. 3D Exterior Design is a specialized area of architectural and designing practice that draws from all areas of castle or a building. 3D Exterior Designing implies that there is more of  an emphasis on planning.Functional design and effective use of space involved in the profession.The model of this Castle is created with all the  measurements to get the accurate output. 

Interior Design

Interior  Design is the art or process of designing the interior  decoration of a room or building. 3D Interior Designing implies that there is more of an emphasis on Planning, Functional design and effective use of space involved in this profession, as compared to interior decorating. 3D Interior Design describes a group of various yet related projects that involved turning an interior space into an " effective setting  for the range of  human activities" that are to take place there.


The following things play a major role in Interior design :

1. Planning.

2. Partitions with Measurements. 

3. Creativity and  Design.

4. Furniture Design.

5. Spacing.

6. Colour selection and e.t.c

Exhibition Stall Design

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