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Graphic Design 

Poster Designs
Car Advertisement  Poster Design
Biscuit Company Poster Design
Oly Milk Poster Design
Jwellery Poster Design
Watches Poster Design

A Poster is a piece of printed paper designed using textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters are alsoused for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally lowcost compared to original artwork. Posters are also typically used as 'attention-getting' means of giving information to a passer-by.


To Create an Effective Poster Design we should keep the following things our in mind :


1. We should know the Purpose  and the Product before we creating the design.

2. We should  use appropriate Colour Combination for the design.

3. The Images we are using in design should be in High Quality Resolution.

4. We have to highligt the Product, Proction Name and Logo.

5. There Should be good Colour Theory and Typoghraphy to Create a Perfect Poster Design.

Brochure Designs

A Brochure is a publication consisting of one folded page, or several pages stitched together but not bound. It is mainly used for advertising purpose. An organization wishing to advertise its products or services willoften create a brochure, a small booklet or folded paper giving brief details about what it's selling.It sually includes illustrations and is made to be eye-catching and easily read.



Logo design is one of many services that a good graphic designer can provide to a professional company that is looking to make an impression on the marketplace. With the absence of a memorable, eye catching and meaningful logo design, a business - no matter how small or large - will fight an uphill battle when it comes to name and brand recognition. With great logo design, a company's name will resonate clearly with all of their customers. There are two key elements that go into the development of any logo design process.


       The first is the logo's text. In graphic design, the look of a company's name is as important as any graphic or picture that accompanies it. Not only do words convey meaning, the "look" of words conveys meaning as well. Great graphic designers know how to use different fonts to convey different meanings and emotions to their audiences. Naturally using the right font is important for legibility as well, as you need to consider the various mediums in which the logo will be used.

Buisness Card Designs

Business Card should incorporate the four basic principles of design: alignment, contrast, proximity, and repetition.


  • Colors :  Contrasting colors can be obtained with images, typefaces, and backgrounds.

  • Form : Form refers to shapes in typeface.

  • Size : Size refers to sizes in typeface.

  • Weight : Weight refers to thickness in typeface.

  • White Space : White space is the unused space between business card images and text.

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